Monday, July 6, 2009

The Bear Show- July. 6. 09. Monday


Arms Against Atrophy- Titus Andronicus- The Airing of Grievances

Wind Phoenix- Cymbals Eat Guitars- Why there are Mountains
Seven- Sunny Day Real Estate- Diary
Little League- Cap'n Jazz- Analphabetapolothology

Muckraking- Bearstronaut- Wire
Catamaran- Bear vs. Shark- Terrorhawk
Fine + 2Pts- Minus the Bear- They Make Beer Commercials Like This

House- Abe Vigoda- Reviver
Life of Birds- These Are Powers- All Aboard Future
Lawncare- Women- Women

Run to Your Grave- The Mae Shi- HLLLYL
Don't Slow Down- Matt & Kim- Grand
Girlfriend- Phoenix- Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

Plaster Casts of Everything- Liars- Liars
Breaker- Low- Drums and Guns
Elephant Women- Blonde Redhead- Misery is a Butterfly

Nice and Blue (Part 2)- MewithoutYou- Brother, Sister
Stockholm Syndrome- Yo La Tengo- I can hear the heart beating as one
Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)- Baz Lurmann

Never Let Down- Andrew W.K.- The Wolf
The Orcs- Orcumentary
All of You Are Weaving Webs- Defective Fiction
Track 3- Paranoia Dance Party- Help! Help! Help! Help!

Niagara Falls- Harlem Shakes- Technicolor Health
Your Weather- Dinosaur Jr.- Farm
We Used to Vacation- Cold War Kids- Robbers and Cowards

You! Me! Dancing!- Los Campesinos!

 Here’s What’s Happening in and around the WHUS Community July 6-12:

***SAILFEST 2009
Downtown New London shuts for acoustic music festivals at the Hygienic Art Park, live music on the Custom House and City Piers, fireworks, hundreds of local vendors, food, merchandise, 5k road race, and more.
FRI- July 10th entertainment includes: 
(5:00) Get Haunted, (5:45) Recu Occurrence, (6:30) Weird Beards, (7:15) Can Kickers(8:10) Roadside Attractions(9:10) Paul Brockett Roadshow Band, (10:10) Chasing Trinity
SAT- July 11th entertainment includes: (12:00) Bianca Sperduti, (1:00) Say What? (Young rock & blues band), (2:00) Demo by Gabrieles Martial Arts, (4:00) Lo-Fi Radio Stars(6:00) The Manchurians (Local Branford Rock), (8:00) The Reducers!!! (sets before & after the fireworks) 
SUN- July 12th entertainment includes: 
(2:30) The Suicide Dolls, (4:00) Sebastien Grainger & The Mountains (5:00) TITUS ANDRONICUS and HARLEM SHAKES
For more information visit

***Poetry in the Park

THURS- July 9th at 6PM at the 
Julia de Burgos Park in Willimantic, CT
Featuring: poet and national award-winning educator, José B. Gonzalez and poet-in-residence at MCC, John Stanizzi.

***The Felice Brothers
SUN- July 12th at 9pm at the Cafe Nine in downtown New Haven. A 
folk blues country bandfrom Brooklyn. 

*** Bean & Leaf Coffee House Jazz show
WED July 8th at 7:30pm
Coffee House Jazz w/ members of Above Below 
13 Washington Street in New London. all ages.
*** Waterford VFW Ska show
FRI July 10th at 5 PM 
Llama Tsunami, The Facelifters, Steve Irwin and the Stingrays, A Moment of Silence, Botfly, Izm, and more!
382 Boston Post Rd, Waterford. All ages.