First half folk. Second half punk. Maybe next week folk punk. First time with the new time slot.....that means summer is here! Sunglasses!
Crybaby/ Grand Army Arrows
Nikorette/ Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band/ Outer South
Raise a Rookus/ The Can Kickers/ We're Dying But We Ain't Dead
Frankie's Gun/ The Felice Brothers/ The Felice Brothers
Shuffle Your Feet/ Black Rebel Motorcyle Club/ Howl
John Allyn Smith Sails/ Okkervil River/ The Stage Names
Black Hole/ She & Him/ Volume One
People Got A Lotta Nerve/ Neko Case/ Middle Cyclone
The Slow Descent into Alcoholism/ The New Pornographers/ Mass Romantic
The Strangers/ St. Vincent/ Actor
The Gardener/ The Tallest Man on Earth/ Shallow Grave
Tin Cans/ The Friendly Ghost/ Shot By Wolves
Jollybanker/ Wilco
Mister Jung Stuffed/ Man Man/ Rabbit Habbits
Rope/ The High Strung/ Ode To The Inverse of the Dude
River/Akron/Family/ Set 'Em Wild, Set 'Em Free
Easy Answers/ These Are Powers/ All Aboard Future
Paddling Ghost/ Dan Deacon/ Bromst
Pwnd/ The Mae Shi/ HLLLYL
Death Hill (Over and Over)/ Totally Michael/ Totally Michael
Pleased to Meet You/ Japanther/ Dump the Body in Rikki Lake
Banana Splits Theme/ The Dickies
New Shoes/ The Briefs/ Hit After Hit
Antisocial/ The Briefs/ Sex Objects
When We Were Alive/ The Thermals/ Now We Can See
DC Comics and Chocolate Milkshakes/ Art Brut/ Art Brut vs Satan
The Only One/ Manchester Orchestra/ Mean Everything To Nothing
Counting Down the Hours/ Ted Leo & the Pharmastics/ Shake the Sheets
The Good Life/ Weezer/ Pinkerton
Gold Sounds!/ Bomb the Music Industry!
Here/ Pavement/ Slanted & Enchanted
French Navy/ Camera Obscura/ My Maudlin Career
Here's the what's happening in and around the WHUS community THIS WEEK (May 25-31).
***The ANNEX in Willimantic: Weekend of local bands
Friday (May 29) 7pm: BRAVA SPECTRE- New London experimental noise band, TOTAL BOLSHEVIKS- New London experimental ambient band
Saturday (May 30) 8pm: All Ages show featuring: HONEY MOON- New London indie rock band (think the Strokes meets Dinosaur Jr.), PANDA & CHILD- Manchester post punk band, ZOO FRONT, AND NIGHT OF RABBIT.
Wednesday (May 27) from 6:30pm to 8pm at the Goodwin Forest Education Conservation in Hampton, Ct, the Goodwin Center and the Connecticut DEP will lead a casual walk through several different kinds of forests, explaining how soils, sun and things people do created the forests we see, and how we can learn to predict future changes. For more information visit www.ct.gov/dep
Here's the what's happening in and around the WHUS community NEXT WEEK (June 1-7).
***The Blues Fest 2009
Join WHUS and Black Eyed Sally's in Bushnell Park for our 10th Year Anniversary Blues Festival with great music, brews and BBQ.
Thursday, June 4th, 2009
5 PM-11 PM
Bushnell Park Pavilion
Downtown Hartford, CT
Thursday, June 4th, 2009
5 PM-11 PM
Bushnell Park Pavilion
Downtown Hartford, CT
***Split Knuckle Theater Company
The summer theatre residence at UCONN present a new work entitled ENDURANCE, based on the life of Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton. The first presentation of this original ensemble based work is June 5, 6 at 8:00pm and June 7th at 2:00pm at the Katter Theatre located on UConn's campus.
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